The narrative of Collage is woven through the history of modern and contemporary art. It is an expansive and encyclopedic concept with its own unique lexicon of forms and values. The ICC Collection gathers together the diverse fragments of this rich artistic tradition to create vital links between historical and contemporary art practices. “Remix” explores many of the dominant themes of Collage and mixed-media, including; the long-standing relationship between Collage and Poetry, the use of Collage as an extension of painting both in figuration and abstraction, Collage as a form of cultural, social and political resistance and Collage as an expression of the diaristic and archival impulse. Materials and process have always played a central role in Collage. The exhibited artists employ all manner of printed ephemera to explore a broad range of subjects such as mapping, commercial culture, appropriation and technology.
The visual culture of Collage is more relevant today than ever, asserting itself not only as a rich formal language, but also as a mode of perception. Fragmentation, fracture, sampling, appropriation, hybrids, and layering are all fundamental concepts that define the field of Collage. These terms have become a fundamental part of our collective consciousness, particularly in the ever-expanding realm of Cyberspace, which is rapidly asserting itself as the newest frontier in Collage. The vital links between the historical past and our technology-driven present are central to the ICC’s mission and to the spirit of this exhibition.
Curated by the International Collage Center and William Low
For more information click here
Bates College Museum of Art